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lost dreams

My name is MaS,
and i have yet to grow,
from my adolescent state,
to wat many call as a mature adult,
though i am no longer a teen by age,
thy shall act like a kid,
but only for a certain time,
or risk facing trouble thats shit,
im no longer a kid,
im no longer a teen,
but could i still act as one,
for the fun of it.

Life, is shit, and shit is life, and this is how h eruns his life. Life is unfair and so is he, he harden his soul to create a emotionless spree. He is soo lame he is soo quiet, but that is how he is. He is all vulgar and also disgusting, but he is who he is and not like other. He holds a principle, based on his soul, its always changing with the flow of time. The growth is there but it isn't obvious because the life he's in is so damn troublesome. He may seem all nice, he may seem like a pushover, but never try his limit or you'll face his anger. His life is tough, and he knows others too have it tough, but everyone is different and they should never be compared. Comparison kill his spirit, comparison killed his mind, it is as though it is no more his but rather it is others. He is disturbingly disturbed and sometimes extremely the extreme, but this is rare as its a rare phenomenon. He is nothing but a fool indeed, living thru this life with all he got. His life seems awful, but it is to him alone, he wouldn't understand others as how others wouldn't understand him. Thank you so much for reading this shit, as it means alot for his stuff to be read.

taggy board

posts that had passed

the past of this blogger


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Time is running out !!!

Yeah time of the holidays is running out and i am not even halfway done with the stuff that i planned to do in this holidays. I've started one of the stuff, but it would take a much longer period than expected to complete it. So that one i have to be patient with, where as the other was postponed due to the Hair Mania Hunt where you can Vote Your Favourtite Hunk!! So be there to vote for me, I tould really appreciate it if you vote for me.

Anywayz, life is a little tough with what i've got at the moment, but i will try to make it thru. Life is tough, so i guess just have to get tougher. my room is partially cleaned. my father's work is way too much n way too troublesome to do, my uni stuff has been sorted into the seperated subjects (the past sem, as it is time to keep them), and it is tough not having a car for me to go around with.

Troublesome life, needs a troublesome solution to counter it, but I have yet to find the solution. Maybe its because of my simple thinking, letting life getting the best of me, making me feel that i am shit. As it seems, life is getting way much more complicated than before, and my phylosophies doesn't work as well as it used to. With more stuff such as politics, religion coming into the picture of my life, where it might really interfere with my life. As it is, friendship, relationship, studies are all getting far too complicated for my simple mind till the extend that my mine doesn't even know what is going on and why it is going on and so that is the reason why i try to let things be.

Well i better get going to get my breakfast. pretty hungry and i have to walk a fair bit to get my breakfast and also my lunch. Its a mamak nearby my house. Lucky to have it open so nearby.

see ya

Monday, July 10, 2006

Reasons of blogging

With a tired body and soul i am here to blog. To blog a little as to why the reduce in my posts.

  1. Mental block as to what to write (see next reason)
  2. Parents already found out about my blog, so its even more dangerous for me to blog everything out to public as they might read it, but when im ready to blow it to public, then rest assured it will be out for all eyes to see.
  3. I was really not sure what to blog about since the lost of my absolute total freedom to write all that i wanna write.
And so all of you now know why i am blogging less and less. I am truly sorry if i don't blog as much. You other bloggers also know what its like to be found out blogging by your parents. But my parents are pretty liberal about it since my parents are really liberal in raising me. They only ask me about my unhappiness and stuff. But i think its only my father who found my blog and i'm not too sure whether he is still reading my blog or not especially with how things going on right now in my life.

But rest assured my dear readers. When i feel the time is right for me to blog about things, i shall blog with all my heart. This i will guarantee to all. I'm not too worried about parents now, but if it is not the time for them to know yet, then it shall not be posted. As my life is pretty dull, from the daily shit i go thru, thus i would try to see what i can write about from time to time. I'm no Kenny Sia but i am who i am. MaS!!!

Alright people. I hope all of you is enlighten as to how my blogging would be in the future. Trust me its not really nice to be restricted like this but i have to do this.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Alright, a freaking long post with loads of pics !!!!

Hello everyone, i know its been awhile since i last posted anything good or new. Well, to put it into exact words, i was freaking lazy, and i had freaking mental block. But it is now gone, hopefully for awhile longer. as the title reads there shall be a hell load of pics in this post. i hope you guys can see it. Its pics i got from my phone and some pics from my girlfriend's camera. Hahahahaha, isn't life just shit when i don't have anything to post? Well now you are in for a ride for reading this post, and also going thru the pics here. i bet it will take you much much shorter time to read it than it is for me to post it. as for the pics it already took me half of the day to load it all up onto the internet and get it in here and arrange it properly. I arrange the pics in order 1st before i began my writing because i find it easier that way, of course from experience la.

Anyways, i wanna begin about something which could lead to a small amount of scholarship which would be something that would be helpful for me especially in this time. Its theHair Mania Hunt. Yeah baby yeah, i did a free hair makeover just for the fun of it never to expect that i was going to be in the finals which requires a bunch of votes to be the winner. And i was really in the finals. I was informed when i was on the way back from Redang in the afternoon. Good and bad since i wanted to do my dreadocks today which is a day after coming back from Redang but i had to postpone it to a later date which would be after the 15th of July since the event is held on that day at 7pm at the cineplex Damansara Utama next to The Curve or so i was told. I think i might just give them another call tomorrow or soon to confirm that place and the date and of course the time as well.

Alright enough of that, i would really HOPE that YOU would VOTE for ME in this competition since i heard the competition is tough. Click HERE and then click on the Banner saying Studio Hir Mania Hunt. If you don't see the words there, look out for the banner with alot of guys with some weird and funky looking hairstyles. It is located right in the middle of the page, you would be able to see it pretty clearly. Click on it and then you shall arrive at the page thats all about the thing im talking about. Anywayz please click at the bottom right which would enable you to vote. There you have to fill in some details so that they can inform you if you are 1 of the lucky 5 to get a pair of free tickets to watch Pirates of The Caribbean 2 which is also at the place of the event and also at the time of the event. Your VOTES is greatly appreaciated. If any of you who needs me to vote for you, i shall be there to vote for you. That is for certain.

The pic below is the pic of the website the MYC website. And if you see clearly you would be able to see the "Studio Hair Mania Hunt" and please click on the pic it would also link to the page.

Soooo Please VOTE for Me as i could use the scholarship.

I hope the pic above would be of great help in helping you to vote for me, as you would see below the process that i went thru to gain the hairstyle which lead me to be in the finals. Hahahahaha, i hope you enjoy the pics below. This actually happened a few days before i started my 1st paper. On the 12th of June if im not mistaken, yeah can see from the pic the date of the event. It was certainly an experience to watched by people. hahahahaha

See there, they are prepping to do their stuff on my hair. The stylist asked me what i wanted and i certainly wasn't sure what could i do with this long hair of mine. And sooo the stylist worked her magic on my hair. A surprise for me since i didn't know what she was doing my hair at all.

There is the stylist who did my hair. my hair kinda took the longest to do since like 5-6 people who did their hair makeover as well finished before i did even though i started earlier than them. Hahahaha, what a joke this is. but i could't help smiling at people who were passing by the cafeteria are near the bridge (for those who knows the place that is).

Damn was it long. I had to sit there for a freaking long time you see. But at least i get a nicer looking hair compared to my normal tied up hair. hahahaha how could i pass up a free thing. Look at the stylist she is poking pins into my head. or shud i say my hair.

You see, the guys in Sunway Uni College already pimped up their hair with spikes and stuff, soo there isn't much difference between the before and after. They already spiked their hair and they ask the stylist to spike their hair. Is there something wrong with that? i certainly feel so. Hahahahaha.

Look at me slumping down already. Long? yeah i have to say so even though im not dying my hair or anything. Alright i ain't got much to say. So just enjoy the pics alright people.

Look at that, she is trying to make my hair stand. Or so it seems. hahahhahaha

ahhh its taking shape now. Not bad isn't it. Its funky thats for sure. Hahahaha.

Preparing to take the after pic, certainly it was a worthwhile experience. Hahahaha, why because people were staring at me like im a crazy looking bugger.

Thats me, dont be scared i wont bite, and yeah i have to fill up a little form for them and so i did.

The pics were taken by my girlfriend. hahahahaha she is just too free.

Me posing for my girlfriend to take more tpics of this very the "stylish" hair.

The final pic of that hair-do. Hehehehehe this is all thanks to

Hahahahaha hope you guys enjoyed that. And i also Hope that you VOTED for me in that competition. and finally the final pose from me !!!!!

Hahahahaha this pic i just had to post in this blog. Though they may not visit my blog, but i simply had to post this pics of theirs. arent they just simply cute. Hahahahahahahaha

Well as for the next pic, it wasn't taken by me, but by the person in the pic. seriously, i didnt know what she was doing with it. and i didnt know why she wanted to take such a pic.

hahahahaha Mati Katak Time. Nahh its just a pic of a frog that was caught in my cat's drinking pail. hahaha kesian dat fellow since i was his captor, i certainly had some plans for him. no no no no, i didnt disect him. i ain't got the tools sooo i had to dump him real hard against the wall which lands him into a deep deep drain. hahahahahaha

This is my little cat El2, ever since the death of Alley, her mother, she became close to me. always waiting for me to go into my room where she would sleep at my feet while i played my computer. see the picture above. yeah thats where she sleeps and thats where my leg would be when im playing my computer.

Look at how manja she is. Hahahaha, she really loves to be with people and she always wants people to stroke her, manja her. hahaha look at her on my legs. she just likes to be with people. but only at her own will la. you cant force her to be with you, or else she will be unhappy and start clawing people. hhahahaha

Look at her, she seems soo scared. i guess it is she is scared of the photographer. Hahahahaha. Anywayz she is surrendering to me. hahahahaha

Look she is naked, she seems soo helpless, like a rape victim. And NO i didnt rape her. just something i did for fun and took some pics of it. hehehehe


This point onwards would be about the Redang trip. Well, of course i would like to comment a whole damn lot on the pics. and ohhh the pics are of courtesy of my phone and sue lin's camera. hehehehehe of course not many pics were taken due to the location of certain places. such as near the beach. cant afford to spoil my phone or her camera. hahahaha

Here you have Diyana smiling away at me. Dam we waited a dam long time for the bus to arrive. Hahahaha, Li Yi, was too damn busy with her phone. 4 of us were seated in the last row of seats. Bad choice of seats since it was the bumpiest ride ever. the other 3 couldnt really sleep. But i could sleep, only after i covered my face with my towel from the harsh cold air-con. Hahahaha, reaching the Kuala Terengganu bus station at around 6 in the morning. freaking harsh wei the dam driver. driving over the bumps like its not there. the 4 of us at the back would always be thrown up from our sit and landing back onto the sit. hahahaha this was the cause others to not be able to sleep as well. hahahahahahahaha

oohhh this is the pic of me and you know who !!! hahahahaha crazy people we are. calling each other bitch and asshole !!!

Here is 3 girls posing in front of the gate to the jetty which leads to the ferry that would take us to the Redang island. We waited there for awhile until it was time to board. Hehehehehe

Look at that, people loitering around. simply terrible. What is to be of the youth o Malaysia. Hhahahaha, just joking la, waiting is really tiring.

some weird pose that is said to be obscene. Why you ask, well Shui Xian is to be the pole, and Sze Ching was to be the dancer, dirty dancer. Hahahahahaha. Or was it the other way around, wow, that would certainly be weird.

Waiting and waiting, seems like people are really getting bored. hahahahha

I dunno why i took this pic, but here it is.

Hahahahaha we already boarded the and they are enjoying the sea breeze on the boat hahahaha. seriously the wind was dam nice.

look at them, staring blankly into the ocean. relaxing and enjoying the scenery and the cool breeze.

the wind was a hindrance in this pic of me and sue, since the wind always blow my hair right into my face and most of the time into my mouth, soooooo please dun be offended by dat smile of mine. Hehehehehe

inside the boat, this is the 2 of us, being crazy. Hahahahaha we are certainly a crazy couple. Even my friend says so.

dam i stand there like a bloody dungu. dam marcus is so relaxed. dam sze ching and li yi(hidden behind sze ching) is enjoying some music, which i wonder is it the old chinese songs again?

the poser guys, ehhh wat is this only marcus is facing the camera ?!?! Hahahaha well i was certainly preventing my hair from getting in my face.

the is the place where we were staying in. and no there isnt a pic of the room since the room isnt something to boast about.

this pic is courtesy of sue lin. I dunno why she took this pic, but i think i put it here la for the fun or it.

a view of the ocean. also courtesy of sue lin.

view of the beach n sea again by sue lin. nothing much ma .... so comment like this lor.

3 guys in the sea ?!?! the 3 stooges ?!?!

ahhh a pic of the who entire group who went to redang!!!!

the group, busy playing on the beach. Hehehehehe

Girls screaming ? ? ? ? girls fei lei each other ? ? ? ?

The infamous More More Tea Inn. Hahahaha here it is for all of you out there.

The sign board of the inn !!!!

The guys .... me being the sakai i am.

Now its the girls turn !!! hehehehe

The whole group at the More More Tea Inn.

Jerome, the birthday boy with all the girls !!!

This was on the last night, by then i was out of commission.

Li Yi and Diyana, very close at this trip.

Table full of drinks !!!

Just the table
The resort's Signage with light!!!

And the signage under the light.

The morning that we left Redang for Kuala Terengganu.

Get a few shots on my phone before i left.

Some new resort being built.

I dunno what the hell i am taking. Dont bother.

The beach for 1 last time.


From here onwards it would be Marcus's birthday. I know i know it is long way overdue. But is better late than never right ? Well here it is some pics that i have gathered from that very event, since it was after the last paper for the accounts students.

This is some heavy duty food which is too big of a portion and too dam filling i tell you. Damn it.

Now this is a heavy duty crab fried rice at the place called William's. Dam its big!!!!

Here got alot of funky food and funky stuff to eat. And their portions are extremely big and its extremely filling, sooo you have been warned.

hahahahaha i will let the pics do the talking alright!!!

Here is a little caption for you all, here is the crazee asshole and bitch !!!

And that would be the end of the pics of the Marcus's birthday dinner event. Hahahahaha !!!!

Some fucking pics for you to look out for!!!!

Only a true profesional driver could do this!!!

Is my english good or thei their inglish better?

awesome threesome!!!

The Battle Squirrel is ready for war. Move out in that Battle Vehicle.

Which Faggot invented this ??

What a way for couch potatoes to race !!!

Pulled over because of speeding ? or is it for something else ?

Dumb ass using his keyboard to the extreme maximum.

Is my eyes playing a fool on me????

I have no idea why i posted this pic anywayz.

Pure discrimination. Simply Discrimination!!!

Whats with that lady ??? trying to get a free ride ???

Wonderful fountains. If only you can find that in M'sia.

This is EXTREME cold weather.

Damn those flashers. Nothing to do but to flash their assets!!!

Ahhhh a bunch of cute dogs who is acting as ghosts!!

Stoned, too damn stoned!!!!

Disaster happening on the spot. why cant they reduce the amount of passengers. No brainers !!!

And that would wrap up all i have to say in this post of mine. As it seems that it took me the entire day to do this is really astonishing. Hahahaha. Alright, time to get ready to sleep. Got a long day ahead with some really nasty stuff to do. 1 last final reminder please VOTE for me.